Welcome to the new world of Virtual-Reality-based Service Trainings - developed by Intracon!

Intracon is pleased to offer an extended training experience for our partners. 
By utilizing the latest virtual reality (VR) equipment, we have simulated an environment that requires no in-person trainer or equipment! With just a few simple steps, you will be ready to enter a unique service-learning experience. 
Working within your virtual classroom environment, you will come `face to face’ with the selected printer device to be trained on, at which point you will have a list of the key service tasks required for the device via your virtual tablet displaying a 3D text menu interface.
All the tasks are directly taken from the service manual, and are designed to plunge the user in a unique up close and personal experience with the device, giving ability not only to replicate the core service tasks required but also to look at the different core printer processes of the device in a way that is not possible in the physical world, welcome to the Matrix!

Please register to create your personal account to rent an VR-kit

Important  Note: 

You will need a clear floor space with a minimum of 2m x 2m, ideal would be 3m x 3m.

For the backpack kit you will also need the following: USB keyboard, mouse and a monitor with an HDMI or display port connection.


Registration is only for booking an Intracon VR kit.

Your Intracon Training Team